Friday, May 27, 2011


Blake Here: While  this post really has nothing to do with the 1988 Schwarzenegger / Belushi cop flick I needed another "RED" something and  mother nature turned up the temperature to the higher degrees, plus it rhymes, therefore, it's suitable.  After much time spent igniting newspapers, wasting matches, burning through a lighter, and dousing the stubborn charcoals with an entire bottle of lighter fluid, mike, marissa, and I finally got JKR's first BBQ of the season started on the Thursday afternoon of May26th as that first cold piece of raw bison burger meat hit the heat on that grill.  The back sweat was flowing, the fire was burning, the burgers were cooking, and with the dynamite execution Sam had the place set not just for the consumption of mass quantities of goodness but for the real reason all this was being done, to honor the many years of hard work, dedication, and kind heartedness provided both in and outside the office by the one Miss Lauren Ulmer.  Lauren you will be missed by us all and we wish you nothing but the best with your upcoming move and future endeavors.  Thanks for all you've done for the firm and each of us here at JKR Partners, we'll miss you, good luck and stay in touch.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, you guys. You're gonna make me start crying already,... and it's not even noon yet! Thank you so much for the BBQ. It was absolutely perfect, and it was so sweet of you to go to the trouble!
